Resolution update #1!

So as today is Sunday, I probably have to update you all on how I am doing on my resolutions….. Hmmmm…


  1. Write a little every day! Poems, flash fiction, fiction. Anything. Just write! Ummmm, yeah that didn’t work! I did write a poem today thought, or well three lines of a poem!
  2. Blog every day!! That semi-worked, until I decided I deserve Wednesdays of and suddenly grew lazy on Thursday! So no more off days! Blogging every day!
  3. Journal everyday, or every two days. But VERY regularly! This I did!! Yeah me….
  4. Stop fighting for no reason and admit when wrong…….. I think this worked, I handled all approaching conflict with an open mind and I think it worked!! Although me and sis did have a little ‘spat’ =]
  5. Read every day. Of course!!!!
  6. Postcross and pen pals, more regular!! Five letters and postcards still to be posted on my desk. Let’s make that an obvious no.
  7. Eat a bit healthier Semi worked, I didn’t eat junk food if that counts!
  8. EAT BREAKFAST!! I think I missed one day! Very good for me!
  9. exercise at least every other day ummmm, let me get back to you on this one! =]
  10. Go to bed by ten pm. I was in bed by ten most nights! Does that count?
  11. NO junk food… [I’m going to struggle here] YES!!!! So proud of myself!
  12. ONE sweet per week Two… But that is better than regular!
  13. Cut out ALL the negativity in my life, get rid off the ‘bad’ people, draw the ‘good’ ones closer. Almost there, just need to identify the bad ones!!
  14. Stop being negative!! I think I accomplished this….
  15. Do not suppress emotions. But DO think before speaking.  Done! I spoke my mind and it didn’t result in a fight! it turns out if I re-think something before saying it, it comes out way nicer!! =]

So, that was my resolutions….

I promise to give you all a journal page tomorrow, I am just way too lazy to take a pic now!! =]

Have a great day! But now it is ten to ten and I have to work tomorrow! =]