It was Bloody Brilliant!!

In case you don’t have me on FB and didn’t read the hundred statuses about me going to watch Harry Potter 7 last night, I went to watch HP7 last night!!!

And the only possible words to describe it is BLOODY BRILLIANT!!!

I had my doubts…. Because a lot of people said it didn’t live up to their expectations, but to me it was amazing!!! But my professional opinion later!


The evening began on the drive, I made us [me and Sis] a mix CD with some chart topping songs which got us straight into a party mood and little could burst my bubble!


When we got to Clearwater Mall we discovered that a whole bunch of new shops opened up since our last visit there and after we got our tickets we went exploring and searched for a great place to have dinner. But before we could even think of dinner Sister discovered Marcels, a FroYo place….

My love for Frozen Yogurt is still to be discovered so I settled for dark chocolate ice-cream while sis enjoyed Vanilla FroYo. The best part of that, except the chocolate, was my Yum card! Its a card where, once it is full of stickers, I get a free small tub of ice-cream! Rewards for eating ice cream??? I’m in!

We then decided on Juicy Lucy for dinner, a sweet lace with the greatest breakfast!! But I decided it was WAY too late for breakfast breakfast, so I decided to order a Bacon Cheesa [rye bread with bacon and YUMMY cheese sauce] while sis ate a bacon and chicken wrap!

I just realized how weird all that sounded as dinner!!! =]

Finally it was time for HP!!

I promise no spoilers!

I loved every moment of the movie…

It was very true to the book, not so very rushed liked the 6th movie, although the time went by WAY too fast, and before I knew I was crying and the movie was done! [If you read the books, you would know why I was crying, if not, I promised no spoilers!]

There was perhaps one part that wasnt in the book, but otherwise every important part was there, they did a great job with filling in the blanks the previous movies created, and what I loved the most was the dialogue, it was unbelievably true to the book!

One thing that I didn’t like, like most people, was the ending! It was very sudden… But it had to happen, other it would’ve been a six-hour movie, or a very vague movie! So kudos to Warner Bros to making it so very amazing!!!

Who watched it already?? What did you think???





The title is a reverence to a name Kellie recently gave me, a mash-up between Marlize and marvelous [I think] and every time I hear it Rachel Berry sings Pokerface in my head.. [Watch Glee!!!!!]

Wait, while we are on that topic! I want Glee! And Vampire Dairies! And Gossip Girl! AND HARRY POTTER! Sorry I needed to fit that rant in somewhere…

Back to me, the prompt for today is…

Name a few random reasons why YOU are special/great/amazing.

I know I had something similar already, but the point of this challenge is to discover YOU!! =]

And I am taking a leaf out of Erin at Wild Archaic‘s book and making a resolution list…

Why???? Because I need it and who needs to wait until New Year?

  1. Write a little every day! Poems, flash fiction, fiction. Anything. Just write!
  2. Blog every day!!
  3. Journal everyday, or every two days. But VERY regularly!
  4. Stop fighting for no reason and admit when wrong……..
  5. Read every day.
  6. Postcross and pen pals, more regular!!
  7. Eat a bit healthier
  9. Excercise at least every other day
  10. Go to bed by ten pm.
  11. NO junk food… [I’m going to struggle here]
  12. ONE sweet per week
  13. Cut out ALL the negativity in my life, get rid off the ‘bad’ people, draw the ‘good’ ones closer.
  14. Stop being negative!!
  15. Do not suppress emotions. But DO think before speaking.

Okay…. As a motivation to let this work I will blog about my resolutions every Sunday… Satisfying Sunday? And update you on how I am keeping them!! =]

Enjoy the evening bloggers! =]

Discovering Me day 2!

Good morning!! [Well good midnight to most of you =D ]

Journal prompt 2…

Today you have to decorate you ‘happiness’ cupcake… It basically means to decorate a cupcake with everything that makes you happy… But it’s your journal so take it any way you want to!

I firstly drew my cupcake and coloured it in, under the full intention of writing ON it, but it looked so cute I couldn’t so I write all over the page ll the things that makes me happy, and just decorated the cupcake…

Please remember to link your pages, promote this and add your pages to the Flickr group!

Thank you and enjoy!

Ya’ll have a good day now ye hear! =]

Top 10 Halloween Facts! [a guest blog!]

Hey Bloggers!! Tony over at All Phun and Games won a guest blog post!! [#650, keep up!] and he sent me the COOLEST Halloween fact post! Enjoy it!

My wife came back in the bedroom this morning to wake me up, and just when she was at my side of the bed I decided to wake up and swung my legs around almost kicking her in the face in the process. It was not a good start to the morning. I though I was doomed after that. But, since I didn’t kick her in the face, I guess that was a good sign. So, I go sit on our computer chair and drink some juice.  I turned on the computer to check my email, only because I forgot my iPhone in the bedroom. Much like Marlize, I was pleasantly surprised to find an email from the magnificent Marlize saying that I was the 650th commenter and I was selected to be a guest blogger. WOO HOO! So I thought to myself, WWMBA(What would marlize blog about)? A Top 10 Thursday it is. I realized coming into this post that it had to be one of epic proportions. Without further ado, I give you:


Top 10 Interesting Facts About Halloween
(If you’ve ever read my blog, you’ll know that I go a little more in-depth with my Top 10’s, but that’s just my style.)

10. There are 16 days until Halloween!
This one actually could be number 1, but I decided it to be best at number 10 this way you can see it first 😀

9. Halloween has many names.
It is most often referred to as All Hallow’s Eve though. Halloween originated as a Pagan holiday in which they honored the dead.

8.Hershey’s Krackel and Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins rank 1st and second among the most popular candy on Halloween. At least my favorite(Reese’s Cups) made second place. I dunno what it is about chocolate and peanut butter that is so good!

7. Spiders on Halloween.
If you see an actual spider on Halloween, it is said to be the spirit of a loved one watching over you. I’ll definitely have to look out for any spiders. I have quite a few that have passed away in the past 10 years.

6. 86% of American’s decorate their houses for Halloween.
Wow, I didn’t realize the percentage was that high. I need to find a statistic for Average Length Halloween decorations are left up. Some people in my area Decorate for Halloween as early as October 1st and sometimes leave them up until Thanks Giving. (Note to Marlize: How many people on average decorate in South Africa for Halloween? Is Halloween as big where you live as it is in America?) In South Africa Halloween is celebrated by the select few. I dunno why as it RULES, but I rarely get the chance to dress up, let alone go trick-or-treating! Very, very sad!! But I really don’t have an average!!

5. The colors Orange and Black
Orange represents the Fall Harvest, while Black represents the color of Darkness.

4. Halloween is the 3rd Biggest Party day, behind New Year’s Eve and Super Bowl Sunday.
(This is funny because where I work, Halloween is our busiest day, followed by Super Bowl Sunday and New Year’s Eve.)

Jack-o'-lantern on Halloween
Image via Wikipedia

3. About 99% of all pumpkins are used for carving Jack-o-Lanterns.


2. The origins of Collecting Candy.
Back in the 1930’s, the tradition of playing

pranks on Halloween went to an extreme and a movement began to substitute playing pranks for going door to door collecting candy. (I always thought playing pranks was just one Mischief Night, which is the night before Halloween.)

1. Halloween in Ireland is known as Samhain. (I’m Irish, what do you expect?)
Samhain marked the end of the harvest, the end of the “lighter half” of the year and beginning of the “darker half”. It was traditionally celebrated over the course of several days. Many scholars believe that it was the beginning of the Celtic year. It has some elements of a festival of the dead. The Gaels* believed that the border between this world and the otherworld became thin on Samhain; because some animals and plants were dying, it thus allowed the dead to reach back through the veil that separated them from the living.

*The term “Gael” is sometimes used for modern Irish or Scottish Celts regardless of their language.


Thanx Tony!! I really didn’t know half this stuff! SO cool…

YEAH!! I can blog

Did you miss me?

Aww you are so sweet!

Wait, you didn’t miss me???

Then why are you reading!!??!!


=] Hey lovely people!

My weekend was once again a mess!

Friday night my sister hi-jacked my PC and we watched HIMYM till eleven o’clock! It was soooo fun! I do apologize for not posting due to complete procrastination!

Saturday was spent firstly buying stuff for my mom and dad’s camping trip in Kgalagadi, then me and my sister once again procrastinated with HIMYM until the weather got the best of us and I posted a very short and useless, I will post later post. [a lot of ‘posts’ in there]

Sunday was church, then shopping for our camping trip with the church [me and sis are ‘youth organizers’ for the trip!! Yeah! It was VERY warm, so we went for our FIRST SWIM of the season at my aunt’s house!! It was so good. I can’t believe how much I’ve missed feeling the water against my skin!!

When I finally remembered to put the computer on, my internet was screwed!! WHAT???? I was so angry and sad! I could read your comments, missing me, on my phone, but couldn’t reply… =[

At last I got the internet to love me, I got the weather to stop thundering and I got myself to stop procrastinating. and now what… Now I don’t have a clue what to write about!!! =]

As I announced in THIS post, today is Magic Monday… Full of my silly wishes! Here I go.

  • I wish…. Cake was fat-free
  • I wish…. My thoughts for my book could jump onto pages by itself
  • I wish…. The thunder had no effect on PC’s or Internet
  • I wish…. I could stop procrastinating everything!
  • I wish…. I had more Twitter followers [Marliz3e is my name!]
  • I wish…. My teeth would stop hurting!
  • I wish…. For all my readers [all five of them!] to know how amazingly special they are!
  • I wish…. Glee would come to SA!!

Lol… Silly wishes.. “Let’s pretend that airplanes in the night sky like shooting stars…” =]

Have a lovely day and sorry it took me so long to post! =]

What a lovely day… =]

Good morning lovely blogging world!!

Today [as it is my birthday] I will post TWO top tens… One on the thing destined for the day [by random pickage from a bowl] and the other … a surprise!!

Top ten … Desserts!

  1. Chocolate mousse
  2. Waffles with cream and syrup
  3. Fudge Picasso
  4. Jelly and custard
  5. Chocolate cake!
  6. Cheesecake
  7. Milk tart
  8. Ice cream [chocolate or cookies and cream]
  9. Oreo McFlurry
  10. Did I mention Fudge Picasso????

*sigh* Now I want dessert!! Thoughts Appear… I hope you liked this top ten… =] Idiot, I am sorry if I messed up your diet, AGAIN!


Top ten things I like about my Birthday!!

  1. My sister takes me out!
  2. I get free books [presents]
  3. I almost always bake myself the most delicious chocolate cake
  4. Celebratory cocktails! =]
  5. Feeling special
  6. Getting hugs
  7. Spending time with the loveliest people [blog friends included]
  8. Getting a birthday massage tomorrow
  9. Having ME-time!
  10. Knowing I am a year older, but still feeling like a three-year old inside! =]

That was fun!! Now I want to share a story!!

The legal drinking age in South Africa in 18! [In my opinion it’s a stupid decision…] And last year on my birthday [18 in SA is a big thing btw] my parents weren’t at home, they were on vacation!! So we behaved and DID NOT have a big house burning party, instead we went to a cocktail bar! Now ever since my sister got her license two years ago we went gallivanting on our own and went ‘cocktail tasting’ multiple times, without any ona asking to see my ID or proof that I am allowed to drink. But that night, ON MY 18th BIRTHDAY, the waiter came up to me, frowned and said, “wait, I really need to see your ID”

Really??? The first time I am legally allowed to drink and they ask for it now?? Just show you the very high IQ of SA… =]

Have a lovely day, bloggers! I will surely enjoy mine! =]

Top 10 sweeties!!

I love sweets… Some may call me an addict, but I am not. I just like sweet things!

This list will include anything on the sweet side, that most people don’t eat daily. That doesn’t sound right! I got it… All the things your mom won’t let you eat ‘after you brushed your teeth at night’


  1. Top Deck Chocolate
  2. Sally Williams Hazelnut Nougat
  3. Lays Lightly Salted Chips
  4. Cornetto Chocolate hugs Ice cream
  5. marshmallows
  6. Fruit Jelly Beans
  7. Willy Wonka Bars
    Wonka bar
    Image by mike lowe via Flickr
  8. Wine Gums
  9. Jelly Teddies
  10. Pink Fizzers

Have a lovely day! And please do share your favourite sweets?? If you really want to play nice, I do accepts sweets through postage! =]

Chocolate Flap jacks!!


So I was hungry… And in the mood for chocolate. But sweet things make my teeth hurt. So I decided on flap jacks. But not just any, oh no, CHOCOLATE!!

And, boy oh boy, it was DELISH!!

I made about 12, and I think there is 5 left =]

Here’s the recipe along with a few photies!

Chocolate Flap-Jacks!

1 egg
¼ cup sugar
½ cup milk
1 tablespoon oil
1 cup flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
1&½ cacao
*Mix the egg and sugar
*add ½ of the milk and all of the oil
*mix the flour, baking powder, salt and cacao
*Add this ^ to the egg mixture
*Add the left over milk and stir until smooth.
*Spoon small [or big] dollops into a pan with pre-heated oil.
*When the top side is starting to make air bubbles all over, turn it over.
*when nicely brown and yummy, take of and serve as you wish!

Me enjoying the yummy-ness!

Hope that if you make it, it comes out yummy!

Love! =]