Hey faithful readers…

It’s been about 72 days since I have last posted!! (I think I should’ve gone with two months… It sounds shorter) But I am not here to make excuses or anything… I am just here to tell you why and what is my next moves!

WHY????? was I MIA? Well as most of you know I am working now… And it has gotten hectic since January! Two of the girls resigned and I am now doing double work, which gives me DOUBLE stress, I promise you I wake up at midnight and remember nonsensical things that I should have done at work! And I just can’t seem to find blogging time… When I get home it is chores, dinner and then I curl up with a book waiting for half past nine so that I can sleep!

And I felt guilty, because I promised to blog regularly, to stay in touch, etc… But I just couldn’t. SO I decided to start a new blog (mixed signals hey, no time, but new blog)… This blog will be more irregular, it will be about books, and I won’t make any promises about postings!!!


^ that is the new blog’s site!

Then I want to apologize… I haven’t read ANY blogs in about 3 months… I have about a 1000 emails in my inbox for blogs I have to read… I am going to delete all that emails, I am going to start afresh… I will never catch up on that posts and for that I am disappointed in myself. But I will from today read blogs DAILY…. (Hopefully) so I won’t get so behind anymore!!!

Thanks for everyone still reading… And I will not discontinue this blog, I will just not post till I know I have time for the commitment I want to make to it!

Please do visit Books and Babbling, where you will be hearing from me!


Tasting colours…


I know, I know… I am way back into the dog box! But the PC is STILL messed up and I just can’t find time to post!!!!

So here follows another randomness update on my life!!


I’m back into writing!!! I wrote one and a half short stories this week and I have been thinking about my Afrikaans novel A LOT!!! Once my PC is fixed I will try and finish of a chapter or two!


I had a ‘badish’ work week! It is almost time for me to hear if I am officially appointed [I was on a 3 month probation term] and due to all this stress of wanting to be appointed, I am making STUPID mistakes… Nothing major, but big enough for me to fret about!!!


One day last week [or sometime] SuzyPie and I went out for lunch and we came about the subject of colours… How would YOU describe colour to a blind person, a person born blind!

Imagine not knowing how the sky looks like, we take it for granted… Well we came up with a solution, a rather silly idea actually, but then again, all my ideas are! =]

Tasting colours…. Think about it for a moment… What colour do you taste while eating the following???

  • CandyFloss [pink]
  • Chocolate [brown]
  • Liqourice [black]
  • Grapes [purple]
  • Strawberries or cherries [red]
  • Bubblegum [blue]

Yes I know I am weird!


Movies watched these past few days… Burlesque: Totally utterly STUNNING!!!!!!!! And yesterday we went to go see Love and other drugs: Kinda weird to start with, but once you get the feel of the movie it is really a beautiful love story!!! And there is no better actress than Anne Hathaway!!


I went for a driving lesson in Sister’s car… I nearly killed half the town including us and then almost thrashing her car twice!!! I was never so nervous in my live!!!! I am clearly not ready for a drivers license!!!


Me looking STUNNING in my antique sunglasses and pwetty hair! =]


Oky, I am all out of news! As always I will promise to try and write more, but if I fail, I am not dead! =] I am just busy!!

Love =]



Why do I keep doing this…

Every time I fall of the face of the earth, I promise you I will blog daily, I promise myself to do it! I make it my 2011 Resolution… And then, then I disappear for 3 weeks and blame myself daily for not blogging!

I do apologize! I hate not blogging, I hate not reading blogs, I hate not WRITING!


I am proud of myself. I have a goal in life, sure it involves ‘friends’ overseas and blogs and Harems, but at least I exist for more than just existing!

In the few months [almost a year] I had this blog, I discovered the best friends ever, the love I have for postcards, flash fiction, journals, scrapbooking and general creativity. Something I always thought I lacked.

I started to see myself as a stunning person, a divine being with minor faults and loved me a lot! And you guys taught me that I am great….

This is the reasons why I constantly promise to blog daily, why I blame myself when I don’t and why I love to do this to myself…


Enough with the soppy!

I am back [semi] and loving it!

My PC is still broken! I am taking it in this weekend, but don’t hold your breath! Meantime I am juggling work and social life, my sister has to use her PC and the internet is constantly interrupted by weather and mice[RATS!!!] eating the wires!

SO I will blog when ever and how ever I can! But will try my hardest to get the celebrations up by Saturday!

I am also introducing a new ‘blog regime’ and a few new pages… [My resolutions and a 20 before 20 list]

If any one  [MARK!!!!!!] still wants to send me a 1000 comments  celebrations guest post, please do so before Saturdays [late entries will be added!]

Love you all!

[still trying to catch up on blogs! Have about 70 subscription e-mails in my Inbox!!!]

My apologies!!

Hey lovely readers og my blog!!!

This post is all about apologies!!!


Well, because it is my blog and I can say what I wanna blog about! =]

  1. Apologies to Kellie for neglecting her 25 days of Christmas wish-list!
  2. Apologies to THIS guy, for still not completing his questions!!
  3. Apologies to MYSELF for not finishing my journal challenge!
  4. Apologies to all of you for not blogging so frequently!
  5. To all I need to apologize to and have forgotten/didn’t know

But I know apologies alone cannot solve the problems, so I will try do finish the journal challenge before week-end, as well as the questions [surveys] for YourJadedVoices.

As for my wishlist, I am hoping to resume regular wishing tomorrow.

For now, me and my lovely sister are going to the movies [yes AGAIN!] and I am anticipating a night of great fun!!

Be good y’all!! =]

Oh, you didn’t miss me, did you???


This post was supposed to go up on FRIDAY!! But my computer is very very nasty with me and only works after heavy persuasion [a kick or five] and I only got it up TODAY!!!! So sorry

BTW, Mark, I do hope you feel better!

Wow… I almost appeared to drop of the face of the earth didn’t I?!?!

I am SO sorry, but it’s not like any one missed me =]

Let’s recap!!!

So, the weekend [last weekend] was ‘farm weekend’ with the work people!!

Well. Actually it wasn’t a real farm and we were more in the lake than in the bush! But it was fantastic!! I didn’t go to sleep till past two, the whole weekend!! And Saturday we ‘RAVED’ with my boss and his wife!! And his little ten-year old girl [my new favourite person ever] stayed up with us till one!! She is legendary…

The weekend was all about games, fishing [not me!!!!!!!!!], swimming, drinking and gossiping! I loved every single second of it!!


Sunday I fell asleep the second I SAW my bed and I only turned on my PC Monday evening, when the thunder-storm attacked me!!! So that was another no go!


Tuesday evening was our year-end function and we went to Turffontein to play horses! So wicked!! I had a few lucky strikes and was very lucky on my last horse ‘Formidable’ it was his first run and I played him for a win! And he WON!!!!!

Such an amazing feeling!


Wednesday night was ladies night with the Sister! We went for a movie and cocktails and reconnected a bit, the movie [a local production] sucked a bit, but that didn’t matter!

Once again I got home past ten!


Thursday was my boss’s birthday and we went to Ocean Basket [not the best place for an anti-seafood person]. Before hand me and three of the ladies from work went for Cosmo’s!! And at Ocean Basket, we chilled there until ten!!! But it was such a great night! I was ‘initiated’  with a Women’s Revenge [some random shot] and I have never laughed so much!!!


Today was a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiired day at work, we spent half the time lounging around and still got work done [wow] and now my main goal for the weekend is catching up on sleep, hopefully next week will be less busy!

But I will update on my journal, and post throughout the weekend, just to make you all sick of me, just incase I disappear again!! =]

Until I post again, here is a few photies!!! =]



Why I like working….

Hello dear blogging world!!

Today is Tuesday, which [on a normal non-rushed post] means Top Ten!!!

**Claps and cheers**

So I present to you….

The top ten reasons why I enjoy working!!

  1. I ::love:: the people…
  2. I can Facebook every now and then
  3. Coffee whenever I want it
  4. Of course, I get money…
  5. I have a reason to stand up! [staying at home meant no real reason!]
  6. The ‘bed’ days remind me why I need to write and become self-sustainable
  7. Learning new things
  8. It’s an excuse to wear cute office clothes!!
  9. Making fun of each other!
  10. Not being BORED!!!!!!!

I :know: this was a slightly boring top ten.. But all the ideas for the post I had during the day flew away!!

Oh wait I just remembered one!!!

11. The time I got OFF work, most of you guys still have to GO TO work, or just started!! LOL

Anyways…. Here is my journal page!

Journal Prompt #20!

Name one MONTH you like and the reasons why…

I choose September for the obvious ‘It’s my Bday’ -reason as well as various other reasons!!

Have a wonderful, breathtaking day!!! =]

Pretty little snapshots!!



I am back!!! Lol I think I curse myself every time I assure you all that I am FINALLY back on a regular basis!

But FOR NOW I am back. I even have a journal page to prove it!!

Prompt 18…

snapshots of your life…

I really like this page, but I think it is mainly because I enjoy drawing Polaroids! =]

So yeah! Whaddya think???

I am not the best company these days… I don’t know what is wrong with me.

But for now I don’t care, because I am in full Potter mode!!!

I have been reading the books for about a month now and is now busy with Book 4. And it is in times like these where I wish I was living overseas…. To go and see a midnight preview and get BUTTERBEER!!!

*Sigh* but for now I am patiently waiting….

Have a lovely night you all! And do remember to send me some questions for my truth challenge!!!

Ummmm, hey!?

Okay, let the fighting and screaming ensue!!!

I know I once again disappeared… I did warn you about the weekend, didn’t I…

But Saturday at the BBQ my speakers decided to just give up on working… So I was VERY irritated with my PC and didn’t touch it for two days… By then I was WELL behind on reading posts, and some how I can post before I read all your posts and comments!

Tuesday and Wednesday thunder cut me short and I was once again very annoyed with the PC… So last night was spent reading about a hundred missed posts!!

Now it is at last my turn. I will post a journal entry tomorrow! Promise… If I don’t you can all boycott me!

In other [non-related] news.. A friend of me lost her mom to lung cancer this week, and I am VERY affected by all of this. Bad thoughts keep annoying me…

And me and my sister have been fighting this whole week, perhaps it is due to the fact that we see so little of each other but the fights are more present than ever!!

Now I am feeling I should at least put some substance int his post… So here is an on the spot poem…


Losing some one,
it can’t be easy…
Losing you,
it would be worse…
Having you around,
would make it better.
Having you here,
is the only highlight.
Never leave me…
I know we fight.
Never go away…
I won’t make it!!!!


Lovely day to you all!!! =]

One day….

Hey ! ! ! !

I am feeling a but blue today… For no apparent reason! But apparently this means I come up with new ideas…

But before I tell you my great new idea, a prompt…

Day 17…

Things you want to achieve, see yourself do, one day… Basically  it’s a wish list for the future!

Does any one else notice the strange purple flash in the background of the first photo??? I am now baffled as to where that came from and forgot every thing else I wanted to say!!

I realized I should give you a reason for why I may disappear for the weekend…

The one girl I work with is moving into a flat, her first alone ‘home’ and we all volunteered to help her move, also I am hosting a BBQ tomorrow afternoon, with about ten friends, drinking games and some good, solid fun!!! So you will most probably only hear from me on Sunday, but maybe I will post early tomorrow morning before getting the house ‘visit-ready’

Oh yes!! The Idea…

I came up with this well a few minutes ago and haven’t thought it through a lot, like a lot of my ideas…..

After the journal challenge I want to continue with another challenge and I decided to make one up myself again…

Revealing me!

This will be like TRUTH and dare on steroids… I give every single person out there permission to ask me ANYTHING [except my physical address and things that will let you stalk me] and I WILL answer it as honestly as possible. I will remind you about it every now and then and it will start a week after the end of the journal challenge!

I hope it will be a 30 day challenge [if I get enough Q’s] You may ask more than one question, you can comment, mail or FB them to me.

All Q’s will be thrown into a bowl and picked at random, and get answered every morning!!

Hope you all  join in to reveal who I am!!! lol, that sounded odd!

Have a great day weird people of the blog-o-sphere!!!

Can’t think of a cool name!! =]

Lol, I am sure that is the most obvious name ever!!!

I realized today that it is Thursday and that use to mean Top 10 day… Can any one remember when last I did one?

Yeah, me neither!!!

So before any journal pages is getting posted, I will do a top ten on things I found out this week…

  1. Some people just can’t be trusted… No matter how much they meant to you!
  2. With that in mind, I have to say I learned forgiveness… And although I have forgiven them for what have happened, I am still trying to forget, and until I do, they will not know they have been forgiven.
  3. The weirdest, strangest people sometimes make the best friends.
  4. If you think about something [to eat] long enough, you will get such a craving for it, you will bribe people to go and buy it for you
  5. The best memories happen by accident
  6. NaNoWriMo is not the best option for me!!!
  7. It hurts to hurt someone, but it makes you happy to know you prevented a bigger heartache!
  8. NEVER wear a white shirt when it looks like rain…
  9. People in the office… They gossip… POINT
  10. I am now the owner of a new nickname GIGGLES. [visit the Idiot Speaketh for more info…]

Yeah… An eventful week for me thus far!! And I just need to warn you, I may disappear again this weekend, just  a heads up, but maybe it won’t happen!!

Now a journal page!!

Put your playlist on random, and list the next ten songs….

I hope you can read all that… [Mark, PUT ON  YOUR GLASSES FIRST!]

I hope you are all well!


PS… I do wonder what was my nickname before Giggles…… What nickname would YOU give me??