Interview with Kellie Elmore…

Hey there people of the blogging world!!

Today’s post is an interview! With the amazing Kellie Elmore!
A few of you would know (if you don’t know, now you do!) that recently Kellie released her first poetry book! How brilliant!

Here follows the interview:

Hey, madame! First things first… How did you start writing?

What inspired you to first put pen to paper and know something great will be the result?  Hi Marlize! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your wonderful blog! So, let me just jump in… I started writing when I was in Junior High and it was really just simple poems of a lovesick girl lol. I had a major crush and I was extremely shy and scared to tell anyone (especially him) so, all I could do was sit in my room and write poems about how much I “loved” him. I never imagined that one day my innocent love poems would lead to being published.

And what was your first published/shared poem??

Oh wow, let me see… I did not publish anything until about three years ago when I found this amazing poetry community at I opened an account and found that everyone was so warm and helpful that I felt comfortable enough to post. That first poem was a little rhyme called  “Thunder” but, during the process of creating my manuscript, many of the poems were removed and revised for inclusion.

How do you feel about reaching NUMBER 1 on (newcomers) in such a short time?

That was such an overwhelming feeling! I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry! My husband, my son and my brother stood in front of the monitor and was just in awe at seeing Magic in the Backyard so high up on the list. It was really so very sweet and felt so good after so much work I put into it. Truly a reward!

What advice would you give to other writers who wants to get published someday? (Like me :P)

First, you have to write daily! Never stop writing. If you can’t find something to write about, or find yourself un-inspired…write about being un-inspired, something will come from it. Second, polish your manuscript, make it the very best, with your very best work. Then, submit. Anywhere and everywhere (reputable), that accepts poetry and/or short fiction and do not give up! Some people will like your work and others won’t. Just be patient and it will come.

Now, for a few silly/quick fire questions…
Favourite poem ever? Daffodils by William Wordsworth

Favourite book ever? My Girl

Favourite quote ever? “Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.” So much meaning in that!

Favourite colour? Blue and pink and yellow… I love color! (except purple)

Favourite smell? Gain dryer sheets… love how it smells blowing from the vent lol

Favourite taste? at the moment, sweet cantaloupe

Favourite animal? my dog =)

Favourite food? southern, home cooked meals, which usually means it’s fried! =)

Favourite drink? Coke

If you were to get a tattoo, what and where would it be? I actually went to get a tattoo a month or so ago and when we went in there was someone there getting one and I chickened out and left…but, it was going to be a dandelion and the words “Hakuna Matata”

If you were to become a millionaire, what would you buy first?? A ticket! I would put off buying anything until I took time to travel and see the world. Italy would be my first stop! Then Greece, then Brazil, then Alaska…

What inspires you daily? Life, moments, the view when I’m out driving, memories… I am inspired by so much.

Anything else you feel you want to share with us, Miss Kellie?? Just a “thank you”. I am so touched by so many of my readers that continue to encourage me. It has many times been their words and comments that has kept me blogging. Knowing that I was able to reach someone in some way is really rewarding and I appreciate all of them, you, everyone who has followed me. I hope you guys enjoy my book and I am looking forward to sharing with you a new one very soon!

And that’s it! Please go have a look at Kellie’s site ( , and while you’re at it, BUY HER BOOK!!!



Urgh, sooo late!! =]

Hey guys!

I am so beat! I spent another day with my BFF, Bunny. You know, the personal trainer in training.. And she put me through an exercise program made to kill you! But I do feel better by now… The whole afternoon consisted of us hitting each other… [A major sugar-high…] I promise you, we were worse than two kindergarten boys!

But any way… Here is my top ten food list!!

  1. Pizza [with olives, CHEESE, bacon, mushrooms, pineapple]
  2. Hot dogs
  3. Burgers [just watched the ‘Best burger in NY’-episode of HIMYM… I so want a burger now!]
  4. Pasta [Alfredo with bacon, or lasagna]
  5. Bacon… =]
  6. French toast
  7. Chicken Cordon Bleu
  8. Beef Stroganoff
  9. Mac and cheese

I also adore MacD’s!!! =]

I scored BIG today… Bunny has a card at the Sandton Library [the biggest one I have been to yet!] and she offered me the chance to take out books on her name!!! YAY!

I got two Anne Rice books [Witching Hour and another Vampire omnibus] and a Jackie Collins book! Happy reading to me!


I’m a loafer!!

I am sorry!

I totally loafed this weekend! I wasn’t at home, it was our first real ‘spring’ weekend and I was a tiny bit depro and a big bit happy!

[Yeah I’m a mess!]

Thursday I went to sleepover at Bunny’s! We went to sleep at half past two!!!! And woke up at half past five!!! I was so tired and there was no coffee! She is learning for a personal trainer and most of her practical tests involve me.

So on Friday I was put through one hour of gym and one hour of water aerobics. Which was really fun! But on three hours of sleep, I was very near to losing it and I finally had some coffee and MacD’s!!!

After that I was her practical test dummy for sports massage and promptly fell asleep the minute my back massage started! I was then rewarded with a book sale!!!!!!

One of the libraries near her college was clearing out their books and there was a special for 5 books for 5 rand! Which is basically five books for a dollar!!

I got: Lord of the Flies, Her, Saffron Kitchen, Thursdays at Eight and an Afrikaans book! It was the best!!!

We then went home, but once again got in bed LATE! Saturday morning we rode two hours for Bunny to do a test which will make her a qualified Ring-ball referee. After two hours in the sun we drove back and watched the last twenty minutes of J’s cricket match! [The youngest guy in the First Team at his school!]

The rest of the day was filled with rugby, Playing Nintendo with J, giggling and messing around! I got home at ten!! Then I dropped dead on the bed and only woke up this morning for church. After church I had to make food and pudding and was just so tired!

So tomorrow will bring the following, resuming of the top ten, my first 3 pages of my personal journal [remember to suggest prompts] and a nice long bloggity blog!

Have a very nice night lovelies.

I am now going to sleep!


Top 10… Books!

Well well well…

“Books AGAIN! ” I hear you groan.

“Sorry, I don’t choose it, I just wrote down topics days ago and apparently today is books, again” I answer.

“Yeah yeah!”

=] Hey!!

British editions of the seven Harry Potter books.
Image via Wikipedia

Top 10 favourite books of all time!

  1. Harry Potter 3 [Prisoner of Azkaban]
  2. Harry Potter 5 [Order of the Phoenix]
  3. Harry Potter 6 [Half-Blood Prince]
  4. Harry Potter 7 [Deathly Hollows]
  5. My sister’s keeper
  6. Pride and Prejudice
  7. Vampire Academy: Shadow Kiss
  8. Anne Rice: Vampire Lestat, Interview with a Vampire, Queen of the Damned
  9. My Vintage Summer
  10. Inkheart!

Hope you enjoyed that list again…. =]

I am now going to lay about and read. I have written about 2000 words to my story this weekend and I am so proud of myself. I just hope this persistence doesn’t leave with the weekend!

Have a nice and relaxing Sunday!


Welcome back Muse!

Well, for the past few weeks it seems that my muse was striking [as a lot of public service workers were doing here in SA] and just wouldn’t come back.

So tonight I gave her/him/it now other way… I forced my Muse back into action, and it felt GOOOOOOOOD!

After the church-thingy [which went wonderful!] I was sitting here, having internet troubles, bored. And just as I was about to get up. I decided to sit my arse back down and write. I opened the page, got to the last part I was busy with [3 weeks ago!] and just wrote!! And I wrote approximately 834 new words!!

Yeah, I know doesn’t sounds like much. But to me it means the world. It means I have started again. It means I am going forward. It means I am 834 words, nearer to my goal as writer!!

*shakes pom-poms* “GO MARLIZE! WHOOP WHOOP”

So thank you.

Thank you Muse for coming back.

Thank you reader for simply, reading.

And thank you annoying voice in my head who normally irritates me.

“Daddy’s home” [or Mommy in this instance…]


M =]

Random attack III


Another randomness post! So wicked…

*** I still have a murderous headache! It feels like something is eating my brain away!

*** I have received my first and second Postcrossing cards!! Number one was from Finland, and used in this journal pageand the second one is a cute Fantail from New Zealand! And my PC is having troubles [kicking didn’t work] so no photo for that one today. Will try again tomorrow. Yeah the kicking worked!! Ain’t that just the cutest postcard!

*** I was idiot of the day over at The Idiot Speaketh! And no, I am NOT Charlize Theron, but thanks for the compliment!

*** I am hosting our youth evening tomorrow [for church] and I am so nervous!!! But I believe it will be fun [if the flesh eating monster in my head would go away]

*** I am so bored without a journal to complete! So if there isn’t any interruptions or other challenges I discover. I am going to do my own challenge!! […look up, you see that link there, with JOURNAL in it…. click it… go on… and then gimme ideas for prompts!]

*** I have only listened to about an hours’ music today… That’s my total for the day… WHAT??????? I live on music, and I just didn’t listen to it today… weird…

*** I haven’t kissed a guy in about five months!! I just realized that today and it kinda bummed me out… Any one know dudes in SA?? I’m open to blind dates! =]

*** The last movie I watched was… Juno!

*** The last song I listened to was… Bad Day by Daniel Powter

***The last book I finished was Inkheart. [Currently busy with The Persimmon Tree]

*** The last thing I ate was Jelly and Custard

And I cannot think of anymore randomness! Oh, isn’t my head just a wonderful mess!

Nice night you all!


Book review: Summer School!


I just finished the book Summer School by Domenica de Rosa.

It was unbelievably amazing!

To be honest I only bought it because it was on sale and I noticed the word ‘writer’ on the front. But mostly I buy books just by feeling…

The story revolves around a castello in Tuscany, where, every summer, a creative writing course is offered. The journey of this course and it’s seven writers is closely followed, as well as the lives of the castello owner, her son and the cook.

Once you start reading, you fall in love… The characters are introduced vividly and you feel like cooking Italian right there and then. At first you meet the characters as you would real strangers, you form preconceived ideas, only to get them shattered later on as you get to know the person inside out. At the end of the course/book you are sad to see them leave!

There was a few little things that annoyed me, like grammar and a few editorial faults. But the storyline, plot and characters made up for all of that!

Domenica has found a great way of inserting blog posts, e-mails, postcards and story-exerts into the book and making it seem seamless and effortless!She writes as if she is talking to you, and her witty remarks had me giggling more than once!

This book was a great read and I would advise everyone to give it a chance, whether you like to read about writing, romance, a bit of drama or just a great book!

But that’s just my opinion, please share yours!?



The challenge is on!!

Morning bloggers!

I am freezing! Seriously it is -8 Celsius!!

Yesterday I saw a blog on the 30 day journal challenge, and I decided I need to accept the challenge as I have been neglecting my journal!!

So from later on today you will get to see my daily journal post! The challenge is so nifty, there is daily prompts on what to do and I got a very cute button for my blog!! GO check out the challenge!

So I have to love you and leave you now. Glee is waiting for me! But a journal post to be expected later!!


Hmmmm BOOKS!!!

I am an acknowledged book junkie… I can’t go a day without reading, I can’t pass a bookshop without browsing [and mostly buying], a bookshelf is something I have to stop at and I would rather spend money on books than shoes [FREAK!! Well, I try and balance it out].

Last year, after constant begging, I got my dad to build me a bookshelf!! Now I know it’s not very BIG, but it is awesome, I helped building it and did all the paint work! I love it! Ever since I got it, I thought I have an excuse to buy books, [I have to fill the shelves] and I have read almost all of the books on my shelves!

I really want to share some of my favorite books with you! I will just mention them and one day [when I read it again and can give it a valuable evaluation, I will post that!

1. The Harry Potter Series

2. My Vintage Summer – Jane Elmor

3. A song for Summer – Eva Ibbotson

4. A  Tale of Two sisters – Anna Maxted

5.The Girl Next Door – Elizabeth Noble

6. The Memory Keeper’s Daughter – Kim Edwards

7. Vampire Academy – Shadow Kiss – Mead

8. Dhamphir – Barb & JC Hendee

9. Vampire Chronicles-  Anne Rice [Not mine, but currently rereading!]

10. Pride and Prejudice – Jane AustinWell, that’s my FAV’S!! I adore all these books and will reread them anytime!!! I could recommend all of them to anybody!

Please share your favorite books, I’m always looking for something new to read!

Oh, one day I want to own THIS!!

Photo from

Happy days to all!
